Tuesday, August 18, 2009

BPP Mixing Event

Last Thursday I had the pleasure of attending a pre-course mixing event at BPP. The actual presentation part of the evening was not particularly useful, however I did not really go for this reason. I went because I thought that it would be an ideal opportunity to:

  1. Meet some people who would be doing the BVC with me and start to make some friends;
  2. Enjoy the hospitality of the law school (short for drink the free booze);
  3. Pick up a few freebies (pens, sticky pads, all the usual crap you get at those sort of functions).

I am very pleased to say that I had an absolutely fantastic time and managed to accomplish all three tasks. I met lots of very nice people, I came away with some new pens and sticky pads, I drank a decent amount of the free wine (chardonnay was okay, Merlot not so great) and then went down the pub on the corner of Red Lion Street and continued drinking with my new found friends.

There is a slight danger that I may end up spending a little too much time at the pub, however I am sure that if I think about the amount of money I am spending on the BVC I will be spurred back into action. It is maybe a little bit sad, and I know that Lost thinks I am strange and a glutton for punishment for choosing BPP, but I am really looking forward to starting in September. All I have to do now is think which of the very worthy pro bono opportunities I want to get involved if FRU doesn't provide enough work.

All the best



Lost said...

Drink? You were drinking?
Ahh the bane of free wine, caused me to suffer a rather and hugely embarrassing incident on Saturday night from which I will never recover, and all serves as a reminder that I need to cut down all drink!

Glad you met new found friends, did you tell anyone about your blog?

Odysseus said...

Damn, now I really wish I could have gone! = (
I too feel I may inhabit that pub. Fancy a first day pint?

Anonymous said...

Not sure why BPP thought organising a mixer for students at a course that's frequented by maturish or at least currently-employed students, on a weekday 2 pm, would be a good idea. It was frustrating not being able to come, particularly as I am equally fond of free drinks and pens.
If you want to have a drink on the 7th, count me in--those of us who consistently read/write blawgs have a shared background of dorkiness...

BPP is a good choice--if you have pupillage, then it's the provider where you're most likely to get a head-start in terms of knowledge/coping with demands of pupillage. If not, then (I believe) it provides a slight edge in the application process.

Anonymous said...

'students' in line 3 meant to read 'people'. Really need to get some sleep.

Lost said...

Gives you an edge? Does it?!
I have been thorougly put off BPP by Bar Boy and hear that CoL is the way to go!!

I wish I was starting the BVC in Sept, I need more lawyer friends!

Odysseus said...

Now now children, don't make me come back there...

barboy said...

They would have picked 2pm to keep down the numbers and to avoid having to pay overtime for staff to work in the evening. Surprised they didn't tell you to bring a bottle, and then charge you corkage.

Lost, am not sure I advocated CoL, although Swiss Tony swears that their colouring-in classes are the best going. Truth be told, with the exception of Nottingahm, I have yet to hear any student speak well of their law school. Barmaid, bless her, tries her best on behalf of BPP but she's on drugs.

Bar or Bust said...

Drinks sound like an excellent idea, although I am writing for this new student publication at BPP so I have to go to the first meeting to 6pm.

I wouldn't have thought that this would have been too much of a problem, where there is a will there is a way.

Odysseus said...

Actually I had meant to submit something to that. Damn, must get it done

simply wondered said...

oh you lucky little bunnies about to start the bvc at bpp.
i don't think any provider is regraded as giving you an edge. if bpp did they would no doubt be charging you for it on top of the outrageous course fees. that said, my year there has been ok. it will depend on who you have teaching you and how you personally manage to get on with them, but the range of teaching is so varied (and indeed variable) that you are guaranteed to have some good and some who are pretty poor.

Swiss Tony said...

CofL year two is moving on to Stickle Bricks and playdoh. I hear they have invested in one of those machines that you can squeeze funny shapes out of Playdoh with.

Will make a change from squeezing funny shapes out of Barboys nose.


Odysseus said...

Stickle bricks?! Pladoh squeezy things?! I may have made the wrong choice here, that sounds awfully good.

Bar or Bust said...

Playdoh eh...toxic or non-toxic variety?

No, must not be tempted by wonderful toys at CofL.

barboy said...

Stickle bricks. Swiss, you jammy bugger.

Minx said...

( as long as no microwaved 'baked' potatoes are involved, drinkies sounds fine to me regardless of the quality of plonkage imbuable!)