Saturday, May 10, 2008

Mid-Revision Update

The condensed revision sheets for each topic in each subject are finished and all that is left is to commit them to memory. I find it easiest to achieve this by reading, covering the page just read, and copying out from memory. It worked fairly well last year with three 65's and a 68 so I am hoping it will work just as well if not better this year.

The three exams this year are Tort, Trusts, and EC law, with contract law being examined on on piece of coursework which has already been handed in. The revising is obviously not being helped by the beautiful weather we are currently enjoying, but I have managed to resist saying to hell with it all and finding the nearest beer garden for a quiet drink with friends.

In other news I have secured a mini pupillage with a top specialist criminal law set in London. I was advised by a number of specialist criminal law sets at the recent pupillage fair that if you haven't got a purely criminal law mini pupillage under your belt they won't consider your application, and if you put down a preference for any other area of law than crime on your olpas form the same applies.

I have also bitten the bullet of poverty and sent off my application form and cheque (for £85) to join Middle Temple so expect me to become a regular visitor at dining. I will also be returning to my outdoor clerking job during the summer so watch out for more posts about the trials and tribulations entailed.

As a final point I am sure that most readers of my blog do, but if you don't then please head over to law minx's blog which has an absolutely hilarious post about a new award ceremony called the Freddies.



Anonymous said...

Hiya BoB,

No fair with the weather , eh?! I've enver known it EVER to rain at exam time - and as soon as the bloody things are done it CHUCKS it down for the rest of the Summer!!!
Contract is an assignment, eh?! you LUCKY thing!!! Torts is quite pleasant, Trust is a bit dense, and EC is something you either love or hate-having a disciplined attitude to revision and a sound method by which to revise is a great help especially when it comes to Trusts and EC.
Congratulations with respect to your Mini - seems to me that Criminal sets are incredibly energetic and quick moving in their caseload; I hope you'll have lots of fun!
Im sooooo glad you decided to join MT, which is naturally the best Inn in the world - I hope they chuck scholarship monies at you in PILES!
(PS: many thanks for the hat tip; I'm glad you found the post amusing!)

Android said...

Yay, another Middle Templar! :)

Congrats with your mini

Tom Evans said...

Mini-pupillages seem pretty worthless to me, but then I'm not doing crime too much these days... The outdoor clerking is much more useful - you can really make contacts and impress if you get that right!

Good luck with the revision, you only need a 74.3 average for the distinction!

Anonymous said...

( Why TOM, you Job's Comforter, you!)

Bar or Bust said...

I wouldn't say that they are worthless up to a point. You have to have done atleast some to show that you are serious about going to the Bar. However once you have done about four/five, including a couple in the area in which you wish to practise, then they are only useful where they are at chambers which you are interested in applying to for pupillage.

That is why I outdoor clerk and represent people at the county court in repossession hearings.

Mini's are really a tick in the box category which you must do. It's the other stuff that you do which really makes you stand out.

I'm not sure what you mean about a distinction? I'm doing an LLB at the moment and I'm a second year. I need to get above 70% for a first. The first year results don't actually count towards your final degree result.

Bar or Bust said...

P.S Tom thanks for the comment, plus I really enjoy your blog. I have added you to my blawg roll.

Lost said...

Which criminal set have you got a mini with then? Maybe we can compare?

Hope all is going well! Your revision schedule sounds a lot better than mine, which is usually 12 hours of staying up before the exam.

I've looked into outdoor clerking but can't find anything tangible about it! Also emailed a firm that advertised it at my university but never got a reply. Oh well!

What made you join Middle Temple? I too need to join an inn.

Don't agree with Minxy at all - Trusts isnt dense, its probably the best subject ever!!

Anonymous said...

I want not agree on it. I think polite post. Specially the title-deed attracted me to be familiar with the whole story.

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